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My Metavision Journey - Deanne Reyes

Deanne Reyes has been in the role of student liaison for the Metavision Institute for nearly ten years, working closely with Metavision's founder Christina Nielsen.

Deanne facilitates the Foundational and Holistic Counselling Skills certificates under Christina Nielsen's guidance.

I feel vulnerable writing this blog, but I wanted to share a piece of myself, so the reader could see what drew me to study with Metavision in 2008.

People always spoke to me about what was going on in their lives. My sons call me "the woman whisperer." Strangers would come up to me, and I would know their whole life stories after a few minutes. It was a natural progression to study counselling eventually, but even then, I wasn't sure I would be good enough.

My life path was not an easy one. I had my first son when I was 17, so I was a very young mother, learning as I went. My relationship with my husband had a gravitational pull. We were both troubled teens that fell in love out of a need for love. Our relationship eventually became turbulent, as he suffered from trauma (as did I) and addiction. We had four beautiful sons together when we lost him to suicide.

Later, my son required treatment for mental health in his teens. The support available to him was poor. He was put on anti-psychotic medication and diagnosed as Bi-Polar. He was a sensitive young man and didn't do well on his medication. While I do not deny some people need medication, it has its place. It wasn't for him. His doctors were not supportive of his decision to go off his medication, and as his mother, I was terrified in the event he self-harmed. I wavered... but then listened to my instincts to support his choice. I'm glad I did. Today, he is a fantastic human with self-awareness around when he feels down and what his needs are. His journey, which is an ongoing one, like all journeys, was a vital part of what made me want to support others.

I tell my story because I believe that adversity has given me the understanding and strength to sit with others in their pain. It has led me to want to be of service, particularly to study with the Metavision Institute. I have the privilege of speaking with many students, each with their own unique story of what has drawn them to study counselling.

I have a burning passion for the Metavision model and working within the realm of body, soul, and spirit, not just the mind. Self-acceptance and awareness have been my most significant challenges in life and is something that I have been able to nurture and grow through my study and work with Metavision. As all of us are, I am still a work in progress.

If you would like to contact me to discuss your study journey and share what has brought you to the Metavision Institute, please email me at

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